Designer Feature – Louise Tiler

Happy Monday!:)

Today I’d like to share with you all the stunning & beautiful work from the award winning designer Louise Tiler. It’s hard to believe that Louise has only just graduated of the BA (Hons) Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design course at Leeds College of Art,  for such a young new designer she really has made her mark. Her intricate illustrations & gorgeous style really has made her stand out from the crowd.

It’s been a great year for Louise so far as she was awarded the BDC (Business Design Centre) New Designer of the Year award 2011 & she was also the Grand Prize Winner of the SURTEX 2011 designext student design competition, Tigerprint online competition 2010 and 1st prize at the Bradford Textiles competition.

I’m sure this is only the beginning for Louise. She’s a talent to watch!

Louise is also a lovely girl too & very grounded, we have worked together at the Tigerprint design studio. I first met her whilst she was still studying & was on a student placement. Her work really wowed me then, so I’m really happy to see her go on to achieve lots of success.

Well done Louise!

For more information about Louise’s wonderful work you can visit her website here

Here are some of the judges comments from New Designers 2011

“Louise’s strong sense of colour and line, combining hard and digital techniques, together with a clear vision for the commercial potential of her work”.